When Death Occurs

The first steps to be taken when a death occurs are often the hardest for people to make. At R.L.Rea we have experienced local staff on call at all times:

  • To answer the telephone personally,
  • To attend to moving a deceased person from the place at which they have died
  • To give advice and reassurance

Our advice to all families, is that when a death does occur they contact us immediately.

To talk with us
Call 01527 831723
To email us
To see our main office details
Contact Us

Qualified Staff

With qualified staff available at all times to deal with any questions.

In many cases now when people pass away in hospital it is not necessary for us to attend immediately, but our staff can give helpful advice to put people's minds at ease, and to ensure that the family are aware of everything which needs to be done.

Our telephone number is 01527 831723 and is manned by local experienced funeral staff at all times.

What to do when Death Occurs

There are key things you must do in the first few days after someone dies. Our advice is always to contact your funeral director first.

  • Obtain a medical certificate from the GP or hospital doctor. You’ll need this to register the death.
  • Register the death within 5 days (8 days in Scotland). You’ll then get the documents you need for the funeral.
  • You can usually use the Tell Us Once service to report a death to most government organisations in one go.
  • You don’t need to deal with the will, money and property straight away.